Hamstring strain
What is it
A hamstring strain is the most common cricket injury. It develops when the hamstrings (the Biceps Femoris, Semimembranosus and Semitendinosus muscles at the back of your thigh) get overstretched and injured. These muscles are usually damaged through an imbalance, failure to warm up, tightness, or sudden bursts of movement after a long period of relative inactivity (e.g., when you have to sprint to catch the ball after waiting in your field position). Hamstring strains range from an overstretch (grade 1) to a complete muscle tear (grade 3). In mild cases, you may experience pain after exercise, stiffness when stretching the muscle, pain when sitting or walking up the stairs, and minimal swelling. In more severe cases, you may be unable to put weight on the affected leg, have more intense pain, and increased swelling and bruising.
How to avoid it
- Stretch your hamstrings and quads. When these muscles are nice and loose, they’re far less likely to yank on each other.
- Strengthen your hamstrings. If your quads are much stronger, it can create a muscle imbalance that can overpower the hamstrings. Make sure you pay these muscles some attention with resisted hamstring curls and sumo squats.
- Warm up before the game or training session to prepare the hamstrings for action.
- Try to move around a little on the field. Sidesteps and jogging on the spot will keep your hamstrings activated.
- Wear compression. Compression knit fabric boosts circulation and improves muscle activation. With faster oxygen and nutrient delivery and improved movement mechanics, your hamstrings will be less prone to injury.
Sports Compression Thigh Sleeves
Tennis elbow
What is it
Tennis elbow is tendonitis affecting the lateral epicondyle tendon, which connects your forearm muscles to the puter bony protrusion on your elbow. It’s caused by overuse (e.g., long periods of bowling during practice or play). Over time, the tendon will develop microscopic tears. If these aren’t given sufficient time to heal, they will stack up, causing pain, stiffness, and inflammation around the elbow.
How to avoid it
- Take it easy. Tennis elbow develops from overuse, so ensure your arms are resting enough between training sessions and matches. You should also gradually increase your training and play time to avoid overloading the muscles and tendons.
- Try a lighter bat. Heavier bats require more muscle to swing. If your muscle strength doesn’t correspond to the bat weight, your tendons can start getting irritated.
- Strengthen the arms. Building a good muscle support network through resisted wrist flexions and extensions will protect the elbow through powerful swings and throws.
- Wear a brace. The Sports Elbow Support has compression knit fabric and epicondyle pads to soothe and protect the tendons and improve how your elbow moves through throws and swings for maximum power and minimum damage.

Sports Elbow Support
Patellar tendonitis
What is it
Jumper’s Knee is tendonitis affecting the patella tendon, which stabilises the knee cap and helps you extend the knee. Running, jumping, and diving while fielding can irritate this tendon over time, causing pain, stiffness, and swelling.
How to avoid it
Patellar tendonitis is very similar to tennis elbow, so avoiding it involves rest, strengthening, and bracing. We’d recommend adding plenty of squat and lunge variations to your workout to build up the quads, glutes, and hamstrings. We’d also recommend the Sports Knee Support to reduce muscle fatigue, boost circulation, and protect the tendon.
Back or side strain in cricket
What is it
These are injuries to the core muscles, which support your lumbar. Like with a hamstring strain., they’re usually sustained by overstretching or even tearing the muscle through a sudden burst of activity (e.g., bowling, catching, or even bending too fast to pick up the ball). Common symptoms include pain, swelling, and stiffness around the sides and lower back.
How to avoid it
As with a hamstring strain, the best way to avoid these injuries is through stretching, strengthening, warming up, and bracing. Do dead bugs, bird-dog, side planks, and the Pallof press to work the muscle groups around your core. Stretch your core with the cobra pose, child’s pose, lying twist stretch, and cat-cow. Wear the Sports Back Support for added protection and stabilisation throughout the lumbar.
General tips for healthy cricket games
- For fielders, cricket often requires long hours of standing without movement, which can take a toll on your leg veins over time. So, it’s a good idea to wear some Performance Compression Socks. They’ll stimulate the calf muscles, which are essential for good circulation through the legs.
- Take 5-10 minutes to cool down after. It’ll keep your circulation elevated and let your muscles recover quicker (and help prevent DOMs!)
- Fuel up. Playing on a calorie deficit and without sufficient carbs in your system will lead to muscle fatigue. Fatigued muscles negatively impact performance and can increase your risk of injury.
To sum up
Whether you just picked up the sport or are a long-time player, taking precautions is essential. Bracing, warming up, and making sure your muscles are strong and flexible are crucial for avoiding common cricket injuries. Remember - preventing sprains and tendonitis is always easier than treating them!