How to do the stability ball leg press
Sit on an exercise ball and walk yourself forward so that your back is pressed firmly on the ball, your knees are bent at a <45-degree angle, and your glutes are almost touching the ground.
Activate your core and glutes and press up through your heels until your legs are straight
Pause briefly at the top of the motion before returning to the starting position
Repeat for 3 sets of 8-12 reps or as your ability allows
The benefits of the stability ball leg press
This leg press variant doesn’t involve any weights, so it’s a lot easier to use on painful or injured knees. It also activates all of the muscle groups involved in a regular leg press and most groups you would use on a leg day, making it a great warm-up option.
Additionally, you don’t need that much space and only a stability ball to perform it.
Brace for the leg press
If your knee is still recovering from injury or you’d like to provide it with a little extra support during leg workouts, the GenuTrain Knee Support could be a great gym partner!
It incorporates medical-grade compression knit and a patella gel pad to boost circulation, improve muscle activation, and reduce strain on the knee joint. The support also has no rigid parts, allowing for the full range of motion during this and other exercises.
Explore more leg-strengthening exercises
Bridge With Leg Extension for a more challenging glute bridge variant
Lunge and Twist for better glute activation
Sumo Squats for the inner thighs
Single Leg Squat Touch to target the hamstrings