How to do step-downs
Stand on a plyo box, exercise step, or the step of a stair.
For balance, you can hold onto a wall or railing.
Slightly bend your right knee and slowly lower your left foot until you can almost touch the floor. Keep your spine neutral and slightly hinge at the hip. At the lowest range of the motion, your knee should be aligned with your toes.
Slowly raise your foot to the level of the step, then repeat the lowering motion.
Complete ten reps per leg in 3 sets or as your ability allows.
Note: this exercise can be initially uncomfortable. However, if you’re uninjured, you should not feel pain. If you do, it may be best to try it with a support or brace, lower the intensity, or speak to your clinician to assess your condition.
Support your step-downs
The GenuTrain Knee Support helps stabilise the knee and relieves pain. It incorporates medical-grade compression and a patella pad, which improve sensorimotor function and boost circulation. The support has no rigid parts, so your range of motion will not be restricted. You can also try the Outdoor Knee Support, which has a slightly higher compression grade and incorporates a back strap for greater stability during step-down movements.
Outdoor Knee Support