Physical and Mental Health: how both are impacted during uncertain times

In times like these, the link between mental and physical health is more apparent than ever. Today, we're taking a looking at physical and mental health, how the body reacts during uncertain times, and a few simple ways you can take care of yourself. 

How our bodies have reacted to this change

From a psychological perspective, engaging in routine and exercise, especially outdoors, has an extremely positive effect on our mental well-being. 

With more time now being spent indoors, there is also the concern for a deficiency in Vitamin D, which our skin absorbs when exposed to the sun. Vitamin D has been shown to help reduce depression and fight against disease. 

From a neurological perspective, exercise and physical activity cause our brains to release endorphins and serotonin, the main chemicals responsible for happiness and positive feelings in your body.

The opposite of this is also true, a lack of physical activity and exercise can have a detrimental effect on your mental health, especially if there are other factors involved - such as stage 4 restrictions or not being able to participate in team sports.

While it’s important to note that for many people, physical exercise alone does not fix everything, however, it is one of the most simple and accessible ways to improve your mood and provide a foundation to work on any other issues you might be facing.

Things which produce Serotonin in the brain

You have probably heard it before, but regular exercise does amazing things

So this one is the easiest and quickest to do. Maintaining a regular workout routine in the mornings is a great way to not only keep your fitness up but also boost your mental health with a fresh release of endorphins and serotonin to get the day started. It doesn’t need to be a long workout, just consistent.

A good one to do is the scientific 7-minute workout which targets most areas in your body and is great for aerobic and strength training. It can be done anywhere, all you need is a chair and a wall!

Combining this with a daily afternoon walk is a great basis to maintain a healthy body and mind.

Try Yoga or Tai-Chi

Sometimes exercise alone can be difficult to maintain, especially if you’re feeling unmotivated or apathetic (which is pretty much a Friday afternoon most weeks, let’s be honest).

Taking up a hobby like Tai-Chi or Yoga is a great way to stay fit while also practising mindfulness and positive thinking.

Having the structure of these programs often can be easier to sustain, and the opportunities to engage in these communities over time, whether physically or online have a long term benefit too.

A great primer for Tai-Chi to get started can be found here - Tai-Chi.

For those more interested in Yoga, here’s a good twenty-minute guide: Yoga.

Woman doing an at-home group fitness online workout which is shown to help improve mental health

Take your group fitness online

Digital workouts are a great way to enjoy some screen time while getting fit. Contacting your local gyms and physios to see what they’re doing online is a great way to engage with your community from a safe distance.

For those who don’t have anything nearby, here’s a great link to 10 different online fitness classes and videos. Best of all, they’re all completely free! - Online group fitness. 

While these are all things which can be done to take care of your fitness and hopefully improve your mental health at the same time, it’s important to also especially carve out time for you to chat with a friend, meditate or speak with a therapist. 

When you’re hurt you visit a doctor, will take the appropriate medication and use bandages, braces and any other necessary supports. So when it comes to your mind it’s crucial to do the same thing. If you or someone you know is having trouble with mental health, speak to your GP or therapist, or contact one of the great services below which have been set up to help you out no matter where you’re at.

Lifeline – 13 11 14

BeyondBlue – 1300 22 46 36

Black Dog Institute

In an emergency call 000

Take care of your body

If you feel any mild aches and pains while you are exercising, you may benefit from wearing a brace or support. From a mild niggle to reconstructions, Bauerfeind has a range of products which provide pain relief, help to improve injury recovery and also prevent injury from reoccurring. 

For more tips on working out from home: Dos and Dont's for working out during Covid-19. 

For assistance selecting the right product for your needs, book a video consultation with a Bauerfeind expert: Book Video Call, or call us on 1300 668 466.

Do you have private health? Most private health extras will cover Bauerfeind Products, check to see if yours is included. Bauerfeind Private Health Insurance Enquiry.

Bauerfeind products are developed at our innovation and manufacturing facility in Zeulenroda, Germany. Based on years of scientific research, our award-winning braces and support garments are highly recommended by medical professionals and athletes worldwide.


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