Celebrating 20 Years of Supporting World Class Athletes
In just under a week we will see the world’s best athletes convene in what's known as the world's biggest sporting event.
Top athletes will compete in over 30 sports and Bauerfeind will be there offering top products via the poly booth clinic in the village that meet the highest requirements of quality and functionality. The stringent requirements of top-level sport are the benchmark for service and product quality at Bauerfeind but these top athletes are not the only ones who can enjoy our products, Bauerfeind is available to everyone.
No matter what level you are at, we know that fatigue, joint pain and muscle tightness can contribute to a higher risk of further injury and degeneration. Compression, bracing and insoles have been proven to reduce pain and swelling and speed up the recovery process.
So what exactly do we offer
At Bauerfeind we offer two distinct product lines;
Our Medical Line is designed for active usage with a focus on injury, rehabilitation and everyday lifestyle to keep you active, reduce pain and improve mobility.
Our Sports Line focuses on prevention, sports lifestyle and reaching the next level - enhanced performance!
Both lines provide an anatomical fit which are body contoured to give better muscular stability and reduce slippage, use our patented flat knit that gives greater muscular engagement through medical grade compression.
What is compression and why does medical grade compression matter?
The veins in our body form the part of our circulatory system that returns blood back to the heart. These veins function to prevent backflow of blood through the use of valves. Unfortunately, in some circumstances the valves start to not function properly causing veins to widen, leading to a pooling of blood and fluid in our limbs. Medically graded compression therapy not only helps reduce muscle vibration and recovery but also with adequate pressure, it increases blood flow back to the heart reducing this fluid buildup and swelling that it causes.
How does it help?
By applying pressure to the muscles and joints, we can stimulate them to improve proprioception (awareness of that particular joint/area) and venous return to promote circulation to these areas. With improved circulation and proprioception, muscles are more stable, receive a better supply of oxygen and can perform more effectively and regenerate faster.
That’s why since 1929 Bauerfeind has been perfecting the art of bracing and compression so we can enhance the performance and recovery of all athletes especially with those competing in events like the Triathlon which have their muscles working for over 2 hours and over 50kms!!
Bauerfeind products are available to everyone whether it be sleeves, socks or stockings. So whether it's going for a run or going for gold, Bauerfeind is here to support you and all your compression, bracing and support needs.
Read more: Bauerfeind will continue to help Queensland Rugby League (QRL) players excel
Do you have private health? Most private health extras will cover Bauerfeind Products, check to see if yours is included. Bauerfeind Private Health Insurance Inquiry.
Bauerfeind products are developed at our innovation and manufacturing facility in Zeulenroda, Germany. Based on years of scientific research, our award-winning braces and support garments are highly recommended by medical professionals and athletes worldwide.
For assistance selecting the right product for your needs, book a video consultation with a Bauerfeind expert: Book Video Call, or call us on 1300 668 466.